Pine Needles and Their Health Benefits

Pine Needles and Their Health Benefits

May 24, 20242 min read

Pine Needles and Their Health Benefits

Indigenous humans have traditionally used pine needles to support their immune health, respiratory health and cardiovascular health for hundreds of years and likely even longer. (1)  

In 2021, many prominent scientists and researchers brought pine needles back into focus because of the various compounds found within the needles. 

One of the most fascinating compounds found naturally within certain species of pine trees is shikimic acid. Naturally occurring shikimic acid is known to support respiratory health, lung function and immune health.

It has also been shown to help support the health of the myelin sheath, which acts as "insulation" for the electrical communication throughout the brain and nervous system. (2)

Pine needles and pine needle extract have many positive health benefits for humans and animals.

Pine needles are also composed of a variety of potent free-radical scavengers, essential oils, acids, procyanidins, vitamin C and flavonoid glycosides, which support cardiovascular health and healthy blood circulation. 

Because of what is known about the historical usage and current day scientific knowledge, Ascent Nutrition has made available Pine Needle Extract, which consists of wild-harvested White Pine (Pinus strobus) needle extracted into organic vegetable glycerin at a 1:4 ratio.

We sustainably and regeneratively hand harvest in the beautiful Canadian forests to utilize the pure and clean White Pine needles. Instead of using alcohol as the preservative, we use an organic vegetable glycerin that gives it a sweet and flavorful taste.

pine needle extract

Each serving contains 267 mg of White Pine needle extract.

Overall, Pine Needles support the health of the cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological and immune systems, as well as provide many different compounds that are known to support health through multiple mechanisms.

Click Here to read about Ascent Nutrition's Pine Needle Extract




Lance Schuttler graduated from the University of Iowa with a bachelor’s degree in Health Science and is the CEO and owner of Ascent Nutrition, a unique holistic nutrition company.

Additionally, his work includes the topics of regenerative agriculture, resource-based economies and quantum technologies. 

He is also a Contributing Health and Wellness Writer at The Epoch Times.

You can subscribe to Lance’s YouTube channel here.

This article was originally created and published byLance Schuttler and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Lance Schuttler andLance It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

ascent nutritionlance schuttlerpine needlepine needle extractpine needle extract ascent nutritionpine needle teapine needlespinus strobusshikimic acid
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Lance Schuttler

Having graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Science, Lance brings deep experience within the health and wellness fields, as well as a well rounded perspective of the nutraceutical industry. Lance has worked in the three major areas of this industry and saw many inefficiencies and short cuts that were and still are being taken by many in this field.

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